and by small, I don't mean how tall they are; I mean age.
I don't know how many times I've gone to the pool or library and noticed how many moms pay little to no attention to their kids. The other day while we were at the pool, the lifeguards were taking care of a child who had to be 1-2 years old. They would grab her if she was headed toward the deeper water. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sure there could be another reason besides neglectful parenting, but I want those lifeguards to be watching ALL children while they're in the pool.
I've also seen moms who bring their kids to the pool and then just go and lay out, not even caring what their children do. Now, if your kids are at a reasonable age that's totally different. But the moms I'm referring to are the ones that have preschool age children and younger. You NEED to be watching those kids. They are too little to be left alone in the pool. Am I the only one worried that they could drown? And no, I'm not babysitting your child. Sure, if she's drowning, I'll "rescue" her, but I'm not the lifeguard nor the parent. I shouldn't HAVE to just because you're neglecting to watch your own child.
And don't get me started on the fact that those are the children that will come and take your children's toys, leaving you to console your child while wading through the pool, trying to get the toy back. It's rude and ridiculous. Dude, I'm 6 months pregnant. All I want to do is sit in the shallow end with my 2 year old while I watch my 4 year old swim and have fun. I don't need to be parading my ridiculous sized self all around the pool. People don't need to see that. Granted, I'm covered up more than most other people, but I'm pretty sure that's not the point.
Point is, don't leave your children unattended at the pool or the library. The librarians aren't babysitters either. That's not even close to the title of their job. They don't bring their kids to the library and let them wander all over the place. You don't need to either. Is it really that hard to sit down in a chair while your kids pick out books or play on the computer? No. Either stay with them or you all can stay at home.
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