Monday, July 2, 2012

First entry

The kids and I have been frequenting the pool these past few weeks as it's been insanely hot! Now, I'm not complaining about the heat, trust me. I save my complaining for the bitter cold and snow that we'll get in the winter. I adore the heat. I know people think I'm crazy, but whatever; it beats freezing to death. 

If you've ever been to any public pool, I'm sure you've noticed that there are people who apparently don't look in the mirror after putting on a swimsuit because they look hideous. Just because they make it in your size doesn't automatically mean that it fits you. 

I've been trying to understand why women with the largest boobs buy swimsuits with little to no support. I mean, really? And why do women with a little extra around their middle try to wear bikinis? It's not attractive. There are a lot of women who have abs who don't wear bikinis, and I'd much rather look at that then have to watch you keep adjusting your tops and bottoms because they keep coming off. And let's not get me started on very pregnant women in bikinis. I don't even enjoy looking at my own body while pregnant; why on earth would I want to be subjected to your pregnant stomach. Sure, it's a "beautiful thing", especially if you don't actually have to see all the ridiculous and gross changes a woman's body has to go through before (and after) having a baby.

I've also been amazed at the amount of young girls wearing bikinis... and I don't just mean pre-teen girls, I mean infants and preschool age girls. C'mon, really? Let's just start pimping out our daughters as soon as they are born. What on earth is happening? There is no way I'm putting my 4 year old daughter in a bikini. Have people forgotten there are pedophiles out in the world? Now, I don't have a problem with little girls in a tankini. I realize that having a two piece while wearing swim diapers/potty training/or whatever is super helpful. Princess had a 2 piece last year for that main reason. The bottom of the tank overlapped her bottoms; you couldn't even tell that her suit had 2 pieces. She doesn't have one this year, as everywhere I looked either had bikini's or the top of the tankini had such a deep v that I was certain I'd see her belly button. Now don't tell me about how I could have found her one if I wanted to pay $50 for it. Come on! She's only going to fit in it this year anyway. I don't even pay $50 for my own clothes, let alone clothes for children who will grow out of them within the month.

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