I have been finding myself becoming one of those parents that I hate; you know, the one's that you see at Walmart. Don't act like you don't shop there. No matter how much you hate it there, you always end up shopping there for something. These parents that shop at Walmart are the kind that yell at their kids for whatever. I judged them and now I find myself doing the same thing, though not usually out in public.
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If the boy is picking on his sister, I yell.
If the girl is whining, I yell.
Whatever they choose to do that is annoying, I yell.
I find myself wanting to yell "SHUT UP" at them. Occasionally it slips out and I always feel bad about it. I don't want to yell at my children; I really don't. But there is always at least one day a week that I am so overwhelmed by their annoyingness (i.e. WHINING, CRYING, FIGHTING) that the need to yell at them is so great, I give in.
If only they took naps. While the boy takes a nap, it's still a small fight to get him asleep. The girl takes a quiet time, since she rarely sleeps during the day. I give her 1-1.5 hours for said quiet time. However, she leaves her room no less than 3 times to ask if she can get up. Now, before you tell me to get her an alarm clock or some other fancy way for her to know when she can get up, SHE HAS AN ALARM CLOCK! And a fancy one at that.
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This is said alarm clock. (You can buy it at Target) It plays music and Prince Charming & Cinderella dance when it's time to get up. And she knows that this will happen. And yet, it never fails, she will STILL bother me during this time. Hello child! I would perhaps like a small nap as well. And definitely some quiet time away from your whining, crying, and fighting. It would be best for everyone in this house if this actually happened. I swear there would be less yelling.
Ha! She was just showing me that clock when we were there... so she clearly does know :P I don't know what I'd do without nap time... lose my mind probably! There are some days where it's all I can do to make it until Hayden's nap lol.